Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Scotland will be Independent. Get used to that idea and hold onto it.

While others talk about Tea-Gate, Consultation-Gate and other "Gates" to numerous to mention, I thought I would do some forward projecting.
So what will I be looking for in a Future Scotland?

Nations are often judged by their creations, their contribution to science, their cultural footprints or, indeed, by negative themes.

I wish Scotland to be judged by the way it looks after it's own, it's people, especially the disadvantaged in society.
Goodness knows, we have our fair share of the disadvantaged in Scotland's society; the poor, the ill, the vulnerable, the under-educated, the poorly housed.
As someone who knows only to well that there is a large number of people living among us who require a helping hand to live their lives, I will take this opportunity to ask that Scotland is viewed by the world as the place, the nation state, the society from which all others take their lead.

As an example to the world, Future Scotland's caring society must be the bench mark against which all other nations measure themselves.

I would wish for a society where there was step in the education of young people, perhaps between leaving school and further education, or going to a job, where some time was spent by all in a caring profession.
There used to be youth movements in some countries, pioneer movements, or peace corp organisations, where there was an aspiration to do good, to learn skills and attitudes that would assist in later life.

Well, in Future Scotland, I would wish for just such an aspiration to be put into practice. A step in education, in growing up, in aquiring life skills and putting them into practice for the greater good of society.

To help others....now wouldn't that be a theme to run through a society and by which that society was measured?
Much better than Trident, the accumulation of obscene wealth................at this point I was going to include a 3rd example by which the current UK society is defined, and you know I couldn't think of a 3rd!

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